Angela Michelle Schultz
I’m a writer, podcaster, mom to four amazing girls, and recently became a grandma to the most adorable little boy. I host Author’s Alcove under my pen name and am putting the finishing touches on my first novel. I’m also married to a man who makes me laugh harder than anyone else—a gift that comes in handy when I’ve locked my keys in the car (again) while it’s still running!
Those who know me know that I lose my keys at least once a day, rarely know where my purse is, and keep a clean house. Let’s say I’m better at crafting stories than organizing closets. But where I shine is in my passion for reading, learning, and loving deeply. These qualities have shaped me into the writer I am today.
I have an ever-changing list of interests, and when something sparks my curiosity, I dive in. I’ve written countless articles on fossils (yes, they fascinate me!), history (because we never stop learning from it), and foster care (a cause close to my heart, as I’m a foster parent).
While I wouldn’t call myself a grammar perfectionist or the most intriguing author you’ll ever meet, I can say one thing for sure—I write with passion. And there’s nothing better than doing what you love every day.