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Seven Healing Crystals for Plants and Gardens

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Who knew crystals could heal plants, too?

Who knew crystals could heal plants, too?

Healing Crystals

Many people are familiar with the benefits of healing crystals and enjoy working with the stones in healing or meditation sessions. Often people carry stones with them or place them around their homes. People often overlook the benefits of crystals for nature, such as the healing and enhancement of houseplants, gardens and the natural world as a whole. Many stones possess energies that are ideal for this purpose or are believed to have strong links to the earth's elements and the natural world. This beneficial relationship is mutual as the natural world provides us with many ways to cleanse and recharge our crystals including moonlight, water and the earth itself.

How Do I Begin Using Crystals to Enhance My Plants?

If you wish to bring crystals into your plant’s life, there are several ways that this can be achieved. Crystals can be placed or buried close to plants or used as decorative additions to your garden, containers or other plant displays. Crystals can be programmed with a specific intent, for example, in boosting the harvest from your vegetable garden or they can be used to generally benefit an area with all their soothing possibilities. As well as using crystals directly with your plants they can be placed in the room nearby or you can carry them with you as you tend to your garden or house plants.

Elixirs or crystal/gem waters can be created easily and used to water plants so that they can benefit from that crystal’s unique properties. There are two methods for making gem waters –direct and indirect methods. If using the direct method, the crystal must be safe for use in water otherwise you risk damaging it. Another concern with making water with the direct method is that some stones contain high levels of certain minerals that can pose a risk to health. These can transfer into the water making it unsafe for consumption and potentially not suitable for your plants, particularly if they are producing crops for you to eat.

To avoid any potential risk, many people opt to make elixirs using only the indirect method. One important aspect to consider when using crystals with plants, especially if they are to be placed outside or buried is that they must be suitable for this use. There are stones such as selenite that are easily damaged by water and can dissolve if left soaking or repeatedly placed in water. Others, such as Azurite, produce harmful by-products when wet. For water-sensitive stones, the moisture in the soil must be considered as well as the water used in watering or from rainfall.

How the Vibrational Frequencies of Crystals Effect Plants

The vibrational frequencies of crystals can be used to help plants throughout every stage of their growth. Each has its unique energy and has differing benefits. Some are very grounding and stabilising or have gentle and low vibrational energies, while others are stimulating and possess powerful high vibrational energies. Crystals can also be used to boost the existing qualities of a plant to bring additional happiness, prosperity and abundance into your life. Money plants or plants that are considered to be lucky, such as bamboo can have these traits boosted by using crystals that have the same energies.

One great example of this would be to place a citrine crystal with a money plant when looking to attract money and money-based opportunities for you and your home. For an even greater boost, the plant could be placed in the wealth corner of your home or room. This is the most south-eastern corner of your home from the front door.

7 Great Crystals for Your Plants

Here I discuss 7 great crystals for your plants and garden.

Black tourmaline is a powerful protective crystal.

Black tourmaline is a powerful protective crystal.

1. Tourmaline

This is an excellent choice of stone for cleansing, purifying and bringing a lighter vibration to any space. It is useful for removing energy blockages and creating balance. Tourmaline is believed to have a strong connection to nature spirits such as those inhabiting trees, rivers, etc. and so is a good choice for plants, gardens and other natural areas. This crystal can increase the effect of healing herbs and plants when placed nearby and is a good choice for encouraging healthy growth and gently boosting ailing plants. Tourmaline can be found in a range of colours that also have additional benefits:

Black tourmaline is a well-known crystal for protecting against EMF frequencies and warding against ill-wishing so is a beneficial stone to have in areas where plants are grown for food or spaced used for relaxation. It could also be placed close to areas where children play, taking care to conceal it if the stone could present a choking hazard or other danger.

Blue tourmaline is thought to help in seeing an issue clearly, especially when this is linked to health or well-being. It can help us in identifying the reason underlying a plant's ill health or lack of growth.

Green tourmaline is beneficial to anyone studying in plant fields such as botany and herbalism. It teaches us to be patient and calm so can be beneficial for those waiting impatiently for seeds to germinate.

2. Green Calcite

This is a good choice of crystal for detoxification and any plants that look weak or lacking in energy. Placing it close to sickly wilting plants can help them regain their strength. It is also thought to be soothing for plants that live in busy or noisy areas. Green calcite helps in restoring balance and encourages transition into more positive conditions. It absorbs negative energy and is believed to aid in removing bacterial infections and inflammation.

Moonstone has a gentle feminie energy that has a strong link to fertility and intuition.

Moonstone has a gentle feminie energy that has a strong link to fertility and intuition.

3. Moonstone

Moonstone is also known as the stone of new beginnings and is thought to derive its energy from the moon. It helps to remove energy blockages and regenerate lost and damaged cells. The moon is viewed as a symbol of fertility by many and so is excellent for all aspects of growth from the germination of seeds, right through to harvesting a bounty of delicious fruits and vegetables. When buried next to plants moonstone is said to help strengthen the roots giving them a solid foundation and easy access to water and nutrients. This crystal has a strong link to intuition and can be helpful when you are struggling to find a solution to plant or garden-related problems. It can help your connection to your intuitive senses and get to the bottom of the troubles. It is a calming crystal that has soothing energy and is often particularly effective in calming children.

Malachite is a beneficial stone but should be used with care due to its high levels of copper.

Malachite is a beneficial stone but should be used with care due to its high levels of copper.

4. Malachite

Also known as the stone of transformation, this is a good crystal for encouraging harmony between the energy of a plant and its environment. This can be useful when bringing new plants into a room or space where others are already established. Malachite is a powerful stone that can energise plants boosting their growth and crop production. This attractive green stone contains high levels of copper and care should be taken when working with it. In general, it is recommended to only handle malachite in its polished (tumbled) form and to keep it away from water. It should only be used in creating elixirs using the indirect method. It is another crystal that can benefit us in getting to the root of problems when plants are failing to thrive.

Staurolite is thought by many to be a gift from the fey.

Staurolite is thought by many to be a gift from the fey.

5. Moss Agate

In ancient times moss agate was placed in gardens, orchards and fields of crops as an offering to the guardians of the land. This variety of agate can help you in establishing a strong connection between you and your plants. It is often known as the gardener’s stone or talisman and has long been associated with the spirits of nature. Moss agate is said to increase the growth of all plants and promote a healthy and bountiful harvest. It is a beneficial crystal for anyone who works in agriculture or botany and is believed to attract abundance. Moss agate can also be used to heal the land that has been used heavily or has been starved of nutrients, by programming its energy to enrich and enliven the earth and then burying the stone. This crystal has a gentle energy that is slower acting than some and works to slowly bring energy back into balance and boost any environment it is placed in.

6. Staurolite

Also known as fairy stones or fairy crosses, staurolite is believed to be a gift from the fey folk and has a strong connection to faeries and the natural kingdom. This stone is a traditional talisman for good luck and enhances the energy of any space it is placed in. Staurolite is a beneficial crystal for soothing sickly or stressed plants and gently promotes new growth. It connects the physical, etheric and spiritual planes and facilitates communication between humans and nature. Staurolite is a good crystal for giving a general boost to health and is thought to help in repelling parasites.

Aquamarine is a great choice for keeping water plants healthy.

Aquamarine is a great choice for keeping water plants healthy.

7. Aquamarine

Aquamarine has long been associated with the sea and sea goddesses. It is an excellent crystal for keeping water spaces such as garden ponds healthy and water plants thriving. This blue stone encourages harmony between people and the environment as well as between the animals and plants living in an area. Aquamarine is a calming stone that reduces stress and protects against pollution. It helps to filter out distractions and extraneous information from the mind and so is beneficial in outdoor areas used for meditation or yoga.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Claire