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Is Peppermint Tea Good for You?


Long, long ago, I went to a chiropractor for back problems. He was not only a chiropractor, but also practiced acupuncture, pain management through electrotherapy, and various other things. He quickly became my make-shift nutritionist and taught me a great deal about wellness over the years before he passed away. As time went on, I slowly started to veer away from Western medicine.

Now, I use medicine such as teas and other herbal remedies whenever possible. Although I agree that Western medicine has its place, it's important to understand that there are other remedies that can be used without the side effects. These are some of the wonderful benefits of peppermint tea.

Peppermint Tea Increases Alertness

Peppermint tea is known for helping make people more alert. It helps to balance things out so you're not too awake, but you can concentrate on what you're doing.

Reduce Stress

Peppermint tea is wonderful for combatting stress at the end of a long day. According to this study, it not only helps your muscles relax, but it helps your brain relax as it naturally helps reduce anxiety and frustration from the day. This makes it a wonderful way to relieve tension headaches.

Fight Bad Breath

Peppermint tea remains one of the most common ingredients in gums and mints that are designed to fight bad breath. That's because peppermint works as an antibacterial agent that can help kill the bacteria in your mouth. The strong mint smell can help cover bad breath in the meantime. To fight bad breath, use fresh peppermint leaves instead of tea bags.

It Can Reduce Nausea

This type of herbal tea is known for helping upset stomaches. However, you need to keep in mind that it doesn't always seem to work. I've taken peppermint tea when sick and it has helped at times. Other times, it has done nothing for my stomach pain. It's worth a shot if you're searching for an alternative to over the counter medicine to treat nausea, though.

Soothes Inflammation

Peppermint can be as effective as some over the counter medication at reducing pain, including menstrual cramps. The natural anti-inflammatory effects of peppermint tea can soothe other pains that are due to inflammation as well, such as arthritis.

Helps You Sleep

If you can't seem to fall asleep at night, peppermint tea might be able to help. This type of tea is a natural muscle relaxant, so it can help you relax before you lay down and go to bed. As you relax, you'll notice that it naturally helps reduce anxiety and stress so that you can both fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. You'll wake up feeling well-rested. The potential health benefits of getting a good night's rest remain unrivalled.



Peppermint tea is wonderful if you have a cold. It's one of my favorite home remedies. The menthol in peppermint helps loosen up the mucous so that you can cough it out. A cup of hot peppermint tea can help you breathe easier, and get rid of some of the mucous that is stuck in your lungs and airways.

Peppermint Tea Benefits Weight Loss

Peppermint leaves alone will not help you lose a drastic amount of weight. However, it can help support weight loss when used in combination with other strategies. It's known to help aid in digestion, which will help you lose more weight than weight loss products alone.

Encourages a Healthy Immune System

The antibacterial and antifungal properties found in a cup of peppermint tea can help everything from dealing with colds and viruses to making sure that your immune system stays strong to keep you healthy in the future.

How to Use Peppermint Tea

It's important to note that peppermint tea is an herbal tea, and is not the same as using peppermint oil. You can drink peppermint tea both hot and cold. Drinking two cups per day is ideal as it offers the benefits of peppermint tea without many of the side effects. However, you should note that everyone is different. If you experience side effects, stop using peppermint tea immediately.

To make a cup of peppermint tea, use extremely hot water that is not boiling. Let your tea bag or fresh leaves steep for approximately seven minutes. Then, enjoy the benefits of peppermint tea!

Side Effects of Peppermint Tea

As with everything, you may experience certain side effects when using peppermint tea. Common side effects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Abdominal pain due to an increase in stomach acid

Make sure that you check with your doctor if you are pregnant or taking other medications before taking any herbal tea, including peppermint tea. If you do not have a doctor, contact an herbalist.


How many cups of peppermint tea should you drink a day?

You should drink 1-2 cups of herbal tea per day. It's important to remember that this can affect the body as medicine does, so you don't want to drink too much peppermint tea. Consider a cup in the afternoon if you're feeling drowsy and another before bed to help you get a restful night's sleep.

Is peppermint tea caffeine free?

Yes, peppermint tea is naturally caffeine free. This makes it a great alternative if you're trying to cut back on caffeinated drinks, or need a boost of energy in the middle of the afternoon but don't want another energy crash when it wears off.

What is the nutritional value of peppermint tea?

There is no significant nutritional value of peppermint tea. This low calorie nutritient is known for it's strong antibacterial properties and antifungal properties. It also is frequently enjoyed for it's wide array of benefits.

How long does it take for peppermint tea to work?

If peppermint tea is going to work, it should start to work in 30-60 minutes. However, it depends on what you're using peppermint tea for. If you have heartburn or stomach conditions like GERD, you'll notice that your symptoms get worse instead of better.

Is peppermint tea good for acid reflux?

No, it is not. In fact, peppermint tea can make your stomach produce more acid which can make symptoms worse. Instead, consider other remedies for your ailments, such as warm tea with honey to treat the common cold.

Is peppermint tea good for constipation?

Yes, it is! Peppermint tea is hydrating, and dehydration can make constipation worse. It also helps food move through the stomach to make you poop. However, it's not going to work as quickly as a cup of coffee due to the lack of caffeine in it.

Is peppermint tea good for a sore throat?

Yes, it is. The antiviral properties in this tea can help reduce cold symptoms. It can also help clear mucous that is making you cough, which is irritating your throat. Warm tea can be extremely soothing. For additional help with your sore throat, add a teaspoon of honey to warm tea.

In Conclusion

Peppermint tea is a wonderful herbal tea that is used to treat a variety of ailments. Consult with your doctor or herbalist before including it in your daily routine or using it for treatment, though.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2022 Amber Lynn