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12 Quotes on Prayer and Its Effect on Well-Being

These areas of the brain are affected by prayer.

These areas of the brain are affected by prayer.

The Effects of Prayer on the Brain

Neurotheology, the study of neurological responses to religious experiences, is a relatively new science. Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg is considered the founder of neurotheology and has studied this topic since the 1990s.

Newberg's research shows that various parts of the brain are affected in different ways by prayer and other religious rituals. Dr. Richard Sloan (psychiatrist) argues that the brain changes when anything happens: "There’s nothing special about showing brain changes when people pray." Sloan’s comment may dishearten those who expect changes in the brain to result in healing for the body.

But what if prayers result in other positive health benefits besides physical cures? Is it possible for prayers to improve general well-being?

Following the diagram from the Mind-Health Report and explanations, there are 12 registered opinions of scientists and conclusions of scientific data (published in scientific journals) which affirm brain changes resulting from prayer. Prayer produces changes in thoughts and emotions, which results in improved well-being.

Explanations by Dr. Andrew Newberg

  • The frontal lobe is activated by prayer and focused attention. This area shrinks with age, but if prayer is done on a regular basis, it may slow the age-related decline of the frontal lobe.
  • In the parietal lobe, people establish a sense of self and separation from others. Prayer diminishes that feeling, enabling them to feel connected.
  • Prayer increases activity in the anterior cingulate just behind the frontal lobe, which is affected when we empathize with others.
  • The limbic system (which includes the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, septal area, and cingulate cortex) becomes activated when we feel anger, resentment, and other destructive or pessimistic emotions. Prayer can prevent negative emotions in the limbic system from becoming activated.

This content was extracted from a MindHealth interview with Dr. Newberg.

From Individual Scientists

1. "Praying involves the deeper parts of the brain: the medial prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex—the mid-front and back portions. These parts of the brain are involved in self-reflection and self-soothing." (Dr. David Spiegel, psychiatrist).

2. "Prayer and meditation are highly effective in lowering our reactivity to traumatic and negative events. They are powerful because they focus our thoughts on something outside ourselves." (Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, clinical and consulting psychotherapist)

3. When we sit down and engage in prayer or meditation, we are able to shift away from this frightened and stressed survival mode into "an intentional state" and ultimately "reengage our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that rules our executive functioning and enables us to make intelligent mindful decisions." ((Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, clinical and consulting psychotherapist)

4. Even though toxic thought causes brain damage, prayer can reverse that damage and cause the brain and body to thrive. (Megan Kelly, Nutrition Practitioner)

5. It has been found that 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an 8 week period can change the brain to such an extent that it can be measured on a brain scan. This type of prayer increases activity in brain areas associated with social interaction compassion and sensitivity to others. (Dr. Caroline Leaf, Christian neuroscientist)

6. Oxytocin . . . (gives) a good feeling despite living in a world of threat . . . so when a situation comes up and you're out of ideas and you are helpless, feeling much like you did when you were a baby, prayer can provide some other source of hope. (Dr. Loretta Graziano Breuning, author Habits of a Happy Brain)

7. One of the purposes of prayer and meditation is to regain our footing so that we can step out into the world and take positive action: we reconnect, re-center, recharge and gain the strength necessary to take steps that will create real change. In other words, prayer is the fuel that lights the fire of action. (Dr. Paul Hokemeyer)

Even though toxic thought causes brain damage, prayer can reverse that damage.

Even though toxic thought causes brain damage, prayer can reverse that damage.

From Scientific Journals

8. Prayer affects regions of the brain that improve self-control, and people who view their goals as sacred put more effort and energy into attaining them. (Psychological Bulletin)

9. Praying in an online support group helped breast cancer patients experience less stress, have lower levels of negative emotions, and experience well-being. (PsychoOncology)

10. Prayers help victims of abusive relationships to recover a positive view of themselves and reduce emotional pain. (Social Psychology Quarterly)

11. Prayer increases gratitude which, in turn, reduces the negative impact of financial difficulties. (International Journal for the Psychology of Religion)


The Faith Factor

Newberg stresses that there is a faith factor that causes prayer to effect any positive changes in believers. The concluding quote explains it.

12. As far as we know, it [prayer] is not a cure for cancer. It is not going to cure somebody of heart disease. We can’t tell people to pray in order to get better—that doesn’t really make sense. The reason that it works is because it is part of the person’s belief system. (Andrew Newberg)

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© 2018 Dora Weithers


Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on January 14, 2019:

Marlene, thanks for your affirming testimony. That Drop-Everything-and-Pray habit sounds like a winner. Thank you also for sharing.

Marlene Bertrand from USA on January 14, 2019:

#5 is an interesting fact. It shows great evidence that prayer is so effective it CAN make a difference. Whenever I feel lost, I drop everything and pray. Even a non-specific prayer helps me get re-focused and energized.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 26, 2018:

Swalia, I share your concern. It takes a lot of evidence for some to accept facts they don't want to believe. Thanks for your input.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 26, 2018:

Bill, you're welcome. I share your interest; also did not know that such evidence existed. Hoping that it will be helpful to many.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 26, 2018:

Thank you, Jackie. Had a wonderful time with family. Hope you did too, and may the New Year bring you many blessings!

Shaloo Walia from India on December 26, 2018:

I liked the scientific research that you presented showing the connection between prayer & general well-being. Though prayer is all about faith and devotion but there are some people who would want a proof of everything. Hope this motivates them to pray daily!

William Kovacic from Pleasant Gap, PA on December 26, 2018:

I usually focus on the spiritual side of prayer, but I thought the scientific stuff was really interesting. I never thought about it in that light before. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Dora.

Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on December 22, 2018:

Merry Christmas Dora, and Happy New Year!

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 19, 2018:

Thanks, Flourish. It seems that it helps both the one prayed for and the one praying. Nothing to lose. Everyone benefits.

Elaina Baker from USA on December 19, 2018:

I especially liked Mother Teresa's quote and the segment from scientific journals. I see online support "prayer warrior" groups who send encouragement and love to those facing cancer and other very serious struggles and have to imagine that it does help.

Antonio50S on December 12, 2018:

Apologies. It looks like i made a few spelling mistakes the last time. A bit ( embarrassing ) but then i did spend a few years away at an early age and literally tought myself to read and write, puting letters and words together to write back home.

Strange how the mind works, you would think memory would stop you making the same mistakes, but every now and then for some reason, it's like I'm learning to read and write again.


Antonio50S on December 12, 2018:

MsDora. Truth faith is not about agreeing on everything or about trying to change the minds of others via discussions. The faith is "Much" "Much" bigger than all that. It involves Free Will, and freedom of thought, that's one big reason why we have a brain. ( Wish JWs understood this )

Differences of opinions as long as they're are not salvational in nature can make us grow spiritualy. ( Who want to live in a world where we all think the same thoughts ) ? What a drag.

Had enough of that with the JWs. Eric is a happy man by the sounds of it, and i dont think he's disagreeing with you as a person, he just disagrees with you on that one point.

When the bible in ( 1 Corinthians 1:10 ) talks about being '"perfectly united in mind and thought" that don't literally mean thinking the same thoughts on all things, it means agreeing to disagree on some points and being willing to let some things go and make compromises for the greater good.

One thing that's more important than the trivial differences of opinions is how them differences are delt with.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 12, 2018:

Eric, I am sure that I could understand your perspective if we discussed it. No worry. You can't help but love.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on December 12, 2018:

Number 8 for today. I think I disagree. I hope I am seeing it in a loving light.

Antonio50S on December 12, 2018:

Following on from Dey-T "1 peter 5:6" applies to all [ especially ] preachers and teachers who need to set the example in humility.

Something i was thinking about, would you still do what you do if you never received any recognition ?

Don't let your left hand know what the right hand is doing is a good tester. God who sees in secret rewards in secret.

Go ahead MsDora. Post this, and i may trust you.

Dey-T on December 12, 2018:

Even some of the best ~well known~ preachers and teachers wont take credit for the work they do, in fact, they dont call it their work as you do.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 11, 2018:

Thanks, Pam. You cannot lose by trusting in God, Thanks for endorsing prayer as the connection between Him and you.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 11, 2018:

Denise, thanks for sharing the importance of prayer in your life. You speak for many others who believe in the power of prayer the way you do.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 11, 2018:

Eric, you offer such sweet encouragement. Prayer contributes to love and joy in families like yours.

Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on December 11, 2018:

I loved learning about the wonderful effects of prayer. I trust God always, and prayer is the connection. Thank for writing an article that shows the positve effects of prayer and meditation.

Denise W Anderson from Bismarck, North Dakota on December 11, 2018:

For me, prayer is a lifeline. It is as important to my spiritual well being as eating, sleeping, and exercise are to my physical well-being. I don't leave my bedroom in the morning without first connecting with God and asking for his assistance and blessing on myself and my loved ones. Thanks for this reminder of how important prayer is in our lives.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on December 10, 2018:

Today I focus on fellowship via number 3 in which I see the tone. I played a fun game yesterday with my boy; What makes prayer better? I tried to shuck to the side by relating #3. Not one heartbeat missed. "That is easy dad. doing it with gramma Tam"

That congregational fellowship just amps up this prayer deal. Like something like 4 x's 5 equals 200.

Thank you again.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 10, 2018:

Peg, thanks for sharing your testimony of faith. I'm also a believer and I can be sure many other readers are too. We have learned from our experiences.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 10, 2018:

Devika, thanks for your affirmation. Keep on praying. Keep on getting stronger and happier.

Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on December 10, 2018:

Very nicely explained, Dora. Dr. Newberg's first observation is enough to encourage all to pray. Prayer can also bring much needed help in the physical as well as the mental plane. I believe in the power of prayer and have more than once experienced results when seeking help through times of difficulty.

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on December 10, 2018:

I pray once a day and that helps me be stronger and happier.

! on December 10, 2018:

You're right. God gets the credit for all. *dont do him any favours*

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 09, 2018:

Thanks, bill. My pleasure to research and write about anything that can benefit our well-being. Nothing better than prayer.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 09, 2018:

Eric, I believe with you. Keep on loving and claim the cure in Jesus' name.

William Kovacic from Pleasant Gap, PA on December 09, 2018:

Educational and informative - that's how I'd classify this hub. Maybe even motivational. Thanks for all your fact-finding and sharing it with us.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on December 09, 2018:

Excuse me again. We did twelve this morning. We think that love is curing my cancer. Prayer to God is the best of all love. We just hug and love.

One more time, Thanks.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 09, 2018:

You're welcome, Jason. My response to this information is the same as yours - more commitment.

Jason Behm from Cebu, Philippines on December 09, 2018:

Thanks for this hub Ms. Dora. It is very informative and encouraging. I am more inspired to be more dedicated and committed to my prayer life. Now I have another good reason to do it.... Thanks Ms. Dora. All of us needs hub like this. Keep writing!...

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 08, 2018:

Yves, thanks for your contribution to the topic. Science does not disprove the miracles They refrain from endorsing them but there are many individuals who need no other endorsement than what they experienced.

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 08, 2018:

True, Eric. All the mysteries out there only add to our awareness that God is truly great!

Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 08, 2018:

Thanks, Linda. We have to agree with Mother Teresa's quote. It's hard to change people but prayer can do that which is proof of its value. I appreciate your input.

savvydating on December 08, 2018:

I liked Mother Teresa's quote, and it would seem that medical science agrees with her. That being said, I still believe in big, fantastic miracles, too. A most thoughtful and useful article, Ms. Dora. I found it very encouraging.

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on December 08, 2018: